Friday, May 17, 2013

Diabetes Blog Week - Day 5: Freaky Friday

Today's post is about this:  If you could switch chronic diseases, which one would you choose to deal with instead of diabetes?

My sweet girl has 2 chronic diseases: type 1 diabetes and hypothyroidism.  The first she has had for almost a year and a half, the second for almost 5 months.  As bad as the hypothyroidism makes her feel, I think that diabetes is what amplifies the symptoms of the hypothyroidism.  Pretty crummy combo.  If I could choose for her to have hypothyroidism INSTEAD of diabetes, I think she would be happy with that.  One pill a day, blood draw so far every 6 weeks until the endo gets her levels, well, leveled out. ( Not so easy when dealing with a slowly dying thyroid. ) And some kinda blah feelings.   But there's plenty of that with the highs and lows of diabetes.  So, yeah, hypothyroidism wins.  Bring on the Synthroid.


  1. ha... funny! I choose hypo (or hyper) thyroidism too, because I have had both. But like I said in my post, it's not just as easy as popping a pill... But still better than diabetes.

    1. Glad to hear your viewpoint...I love reading your blog:) I would love a true Freaky Friday where I could switch places with my girlie and know how she feels every day...the highs and lows of diabetes and the wonky thyroid.

  2. I hadnt visited your blog in awhile (other things on my mind?!) and can't believe all that you have to do :( But I am glad you're updating more! Yea for sister-bloggers. Mrs Davidson would be so proud.

    1. :) Ha! Mrs. Davidson...loved her. Still have my book I made in her class. 29 years ago. Ugh!

  3. Paring down to one condition sounds like a sane choice! We juggle asthma and peanut allergy with the T1 for our 4-yr-old son. Interactions are tricky for sure. I have the hypothyroidism in our family - sorry to hear it amplifies the T1 at times. You have one tough daughter!
